Christian Karsch
Discover Your Greatness, Shine and Inspire

Discover Your Full Potential

 Coaching Philosophy: Bring people into simple experiences that help them grow and realize their own potential.

Life is about Experiencing

... Play, Laugh, Learn, Grow!

Go playfully out of your comfort zone and discover unexpected facets of your life.

Simplicity is Key

Learning is particularly fun with simple tasks that we solve intuitively and playfully. The simplicity creates a focus on the essentials in a sensory-overloaded world.


Are you looking for fitness training adjusted to you or your team and do you want to combine physical and mental training? 

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Archetype Coaching

Would you like to find out more about your dispositions and abilities and how you can live them out authentically?

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Coach The Coach

Would you like to improve your skills as a coach? Are you interested in tips and tricks for even more successful, intuitive and playful training?

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Simplicity Coaching

Would you like to take your product, your company perception and communication to a new level? What effect does Simplicity have?

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My name is Christian Karsch and I love being a coach.

I started as a youth swimming coach more than 25 years ago. Working with competitive athletes gave me access to the topic of mindset. Later, as a group fitness trainer, I learned to meet a wide variety of people where they are and to bring them forward individually in their development. I am always concerned with the question of how we learn best.
I train swimming coaches for more than 15 years. As the owner of a course fitness studio, I was able to hone my skills on how to offer training of the highest quality. The training of the coaching team, the individual development of the coaches and simplicity to the customer are important success factors.
In order to better help people find access to their own inner strength, I was trained by Randolf Schäfer as an archetype coach and I am part of his team of mentors.
I enjoy watching people grow and become more aware of themselves and others.